).find(".ppsLoginForm input[type=submit]:not(.ppsPopupClose)");' . 'if(!$originalBtns || !$originalBtns.length) {' . '$originalBtns = jQuery("#'. $popup['view_html_id']. '").find(".ppsRegForm input[type=submit]:not(.ppsPopupClose)");' . '}' . 'needClone = true;')) . 'var $btns = needClone ? $originalBtns.clone() : $originalBtns;' . (!empty($btnLabel) ? '$btns.attr("value", "'. $btnLabel. '");' : '') . 'jQuery("#'. $popup['view_html_id']. '").find(".'. $formClass. '").append( $btns );' . ' });' . ''; } public function generateFormEnd($popup) { $res = ''; $enbLogin = (isset($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_login']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_login'])); $enbReg = (isset($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_reg']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_reg'])); $enbSub = (isset($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_subscribe']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_subscribe'])); $logRegFormShown = false; if(($enbLogin || $enbReg) && framePps::_()->getModule('login') ) { if($enbLogin) { $res .= framePps::_()->getModule('login')->generateLoginFormEnd( $popup ); } if($enbReg) { if($enbLogin) { $res .= framePps::_()->getModule('login')->generateRegFormStart( $popup ); $res .= framePps::_()->getModule('login')->generateRegFields( $popup ); $res .= $this->_addDuplicateRegSubmitBtns( $popup ); } $res .= framePps::_()->getModule('login')->generateRegFormEnd( $popup ); } $logRegFormShown = true; } if($enbSub && isset($popup['params']['tpl']['sub_dest']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['sub_dest'])) { if($logRegFormShown) { $res .= $this->generateFormStart( $popup, true ); $res .= $this->generateFields( $popup, true ); $res .= $this->_addDuplicateRegSubmitBtns( $popup, true, framePps::_()->getModule('login')->isUserLoggedIn() ); } $subDest = $popup['params']['tpl']['sub_dest']; $view = $this->getView(); $generateMethod = 'generateFormEnd_'. $subDest; if(method_exists($view, $generateMethod)) { $res .= $view->$generateMethod( $popup ); } elseif(framePps::_()->getModule( $subDest ) && method_exists(framePps::_()->getModule( $subDest ), 'generateFormEnd')) { $res .= framePps::_()->getModule( $subDest )->generateFormEnd( $popup ); } else { $res .= $view->generateFormEndCommon( $popup ); } $res = dispatcherPps::applyFilters('subFormEnd', $res, $popup); } return $res; } public function loadAdminEditAssets() { framePps::_()->addScript('admin.subscribe', $this->getModPath(). 'js/admin.subscribe.js'); } public function getAvailableUserRolesForSelect() { global $wp_roles; $res = array(); $allRoles = $wp_roles->roles; $editableRoles = apply_filters('editable_roles', $allRoles); if(!empty($editableRoles)) { foreach($editableRoles as $role => $data) { if(in_array($role, array('administrator', 'editor'))) continue; if($role == 'subscriber') { // Subscriber - at the begining of array $res = array($role => $data['name']) + $res; } else { $res[ $role ] = $data['name']; } } } return $res; } public function generateFields($popup, $onlyForceSub = false) { $resHtml = ''; $enbLogin = (isset($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_login']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_login'])); $enbReg = (isset($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_reg']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_reg'])); $enbSub = (isset($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_subscribe']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_subscribe'])); $enbRecaptcha = (isset($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_captcha']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['enb_captcha'])); if(($enbLogin || $enbReg) && framePps::_()->getModule('login') && !$onlyForceSub ) { if($enbLogin) { $resHtml .= framePps::_()->getModule('login')->generateLoginFields( $popup ); } if($enbReg && !$enbLogin) { $resHtml .= framePps::_()->getModule('login')->generateRegFields( $popup ); } } else { if($enbSub) { foreach($popup['params']['tpl']['sub_fields'] as $k => $f) { if(isset($f['enb']) && $f['enb']) { $htmlType = $f['html']; $name = $k; // Will not work for now - almost all templates detect it in CSS as [type="text"], and there are no styles for [type="email"] if($k == 'email') { $htmlType = 'email'; } if($popup && isset($popup['params']) && isset($popup['params']['tpl']['sub_dest']) && $popup['params']['tpl']['sub_dest'] == 'aweber' && !in_array($name, array('name', 'email')) && strpos($name, 'custom ') !== 0 ) { $name = 'custom '. $name; // This need for aweber to identify custom fields } if($popup && isset($popup['params']) && isset($popup['params']['tpl']['sub_dest']) && $popup['params']['tpl']['sub_dest'] == 'arpreach' && in_array($name, array('email')) ) { $name .= '_address'; // name for field email for arpreach should be email_address } $htmlParams = array( 'placeholder' => $f['label'], ); if($htmlType == 'selectbox' && isset($f['options']) && !empty($f['options'])) { $htmlParams['options'] = array(); foreach($f['options'] as $opt) { $htmlParams['options'][ $opt['name'] ] = isset($opt['label']) ? $opt['label'] : $opt['name']; } } if($htmlType == 'mailchimp_lists') { $htmlType = 'selectbox'; $htmlParams['options'] = $this->getModel()->getMailchimpLists(array('key' => $popup['params']['tpl']['sub_mailchimp_api_key'])); } if($htmlType == 'mailchimp_groups_list') { $htmlType = 'selectbox'; $htmlParams['options'] = array(); if($popup && isset($popup['params']) && isset($popup['params']['tpl']['sub_mailchimp_groups_full']) && !empty($popup['params']['tpl']['sub_mailchimp_groups_full']) ) { $mcGoups = explode(';', $popup['params']['tpl']['sub_mailchimp_groups_full']); foreach($mcGoups as $g) { $gIdLabel = explode(':', $g); $htmlParams['options'][ $gIdLabel[0] ] = $gIdLabel[1]; } } } if(isset($f['value']) && !empty($f['value'])) { if(isset($f['set_preset']) && !empty($f['set_preset']) && framePps::_()->getModule('sub_fields')) { $htmlParams['value'] = framePps::_()->getModule('sub_fields')->generateValuePreset( $f['set_preset'] ); } else { $htmlParams['value'] = do_shortcode( $f['value'] ); } } if(isset($f['mandatory']) && !empty($f['mandatory']) && (int)$f['mandatory']) { $htmlParams['required'] = true; } if(in_array($htmlType, array('checkbox'))) { $htmlParams['attrs'] = 'style="height: auto; width: auto; margin: 0; padding: 0;"'; } $inputHtml = htmlPps::$htmlType($name, $htmlParams); if($htmlType == 'selectbox') { $inputHtml = ''; } elseif(in_array($htmlType, array('checkbox'))) { $inputHtml = ''; } $resHtml .= $inputHtml; } } } } if(!empty($resHtml) && $enbRecaptcha && framePps::_()->getModule('sub_fields')) { $resHtml .= htmlPps::recaptcha('recap', array( 'sitekey' => $popup['params']['tpl']['capt_site_key'], )); } return $resHtml; } } tarotistas españolas - Tarot de Nené

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